Neck Sprains & Strains

Your cervical spine, sometimes known as your neck, is made up of seven stacked bones, with a shock-absorbing disc separating each level.

Actually quite flexible, your neck needs the support of muscles and ligaments. Your neck's "strains" and "strains" are caused by these tissues being stretched too hard or too far, similar to how a rope frays when it is stretched over its usual limit.

The medical term "sprain" describes an injury to the strong, resilient ligaments that hold your bones together, whereas "strain" describes a partial tear of the muscles or tendons that move your neck.

What Are The Common Causes Of Neck Pain?

Auto accidents and sports-related injuries are the two most frequent causes of neck sprains and strains. In other instances, less stressful actions including reaching, pushing, tugging, moving large things, and falls might also result in similar issues. Most persons who have neck pain from sprains and strains find that it is caused by repeated overloading rather than by a single occurrence.

The majority of the time, ligaments and tendons can take these minor, isolated stresses relatively well. However, repeated strains can cause damage, much like how repeatedly bending copper wire can eventually cause it to break. Bad posture, inadequate workstations, repetitive motions, extended overhead activity, sedentary lifestyles, inappropriate sleeping postures, inadequate bra support, and obesity are some major causes of these less severe cervical sprain/strain injuries.

Recovering From Neck Pain

The difficulty with sprain and strain injuries is that they result in the replacement of your normally healthy, elastic tissue with less elastic "scar tissue." In some circumstances, this procedure might result in chronic pain and even arthritis. It is crucial to get the kind of therapy we offer for your injuries as soon as possible. You may need to restrict your activity for a period, depending on the degree of your injury, especially if you frequently feel discomfort while doing certain motions or activities.

You should try to avoid heavy lifting whenever feasible and take frequent breaks from strenuous exercise, especially overhead activity. You might try applying ice for ten to fifteen minutes every hour after an acute injury. When there is chronic pain, heat may be beneficial. Make sure to get precise ice/heat advice from your doctor. Sports creams have been said to somewhat relieve some people.

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