Understanding Back Sprains & Strains

Your low back, also known as your "lumbar spine," is made up of five bones that are piled on top of one another with a shock-absorbing disc in between each level.

Your low back depends heavily on the muscles and ligaments in the area for stability. Similar to how a rope frays when it is stretched past its safe limit, "strains" and "sprains" are a direct result of these tissues being stretched too much or too hard.

A "strain" is when your muscles or tendons that move your trunk have been partially torn, whereas a "sprain" is when the strong, resilient ligaments that hold your bones have been damaged.

It Is Very Common To Face Back Pain.

Most people will experience low back discomfort at some point in their lives, and 70% of those patients can blame sprain/strain injuries for their symptoms.

Many times, sudden or violent motions like a fall, twist, raise, push, pull, direct blow, or quickly standing up from a seated, crouching, or bent position cause lumbar sprains and strains. The most frequent cause of sprains and strains is recurrent overloading rather than a single incident.

The spine is excellent at handling modest, isolated stresses, but repeated strains can frequently result in injury, much like how repeatedly bending a piece of copper wire would eventually cause it to break. Poor posture, sedentary habits, uncomfortable workstations, repetitive motions, incorrect lifting techniques, and being overweight are a few examples of stressors that might result in lower back pain.

Recovering From Lower Back Pain

You may need to restrict your activities for a while, especially bending, twisting, lifting, and painful motions, depending on the severity of your lower back injury.

It is not in your best interest to stay in bed. Only when your symptoms permit, should you allow yourself to resume normal activities.

Utilizing a lumbar support belt for a brief period of time could help lessen your pains. Sitting temporarily increases your back's susceptibility to sprains and sprains from rapid movements. Every 20 minutes, it could be a good idea to leave your workstation for a 10-second "micro-break." You can apply ice to acute wounds for 15-20 minutes per hour. After several days or for more persistent causes of pain, heat may also be beneficial. Make sure to explain your unique circumstances to your doctor and get specific ice/heat advice. Sports creams have reportedly helped some patients in part.

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